Meet Our New Agency Assistant: Suraj Shah!

18th March, 2024

We decided to ask our new Agency Assistant, Suraj Shah, the all important questions. From submissions advice to an elephant zoo, find out more about Suraj below!

What’s a typical agency assistant day like for you?

Typing away endlessly! Or picking up calls on the fly! From invoicing to tweaking the website to reviewing all submissions! Can't say any day is a carbon copy of another, and that's what keeps it exciting! - plus the never-ending snacks within arm's reach.

What do you love about your job? [no pressure!]

Ah, the delightful and charming crew! They have been absolutely fabulous and that includes our extraordinary artists! Collaborating with such extraordinary individuals makes time fly by in a blink! - It's an absolute joy when an artist shares the same level of enthusiasm for a project as we do! The energy is simply infectious!

For potential talent looking to submit for representation, what can they do to increase their chances for a positive response?

Show off your fabulous self! Let your personality sparkle in your words, reels, and headshots! Oh, and remember, keep those emails brief and sweet. Do your homework on why you're reaching out, introduce yourself briefly, and don't forget to attach your reel. Just follow the guidelines on our website and let us take it from there.

If you weren’t an agent assistant, what else do you think you’d be doing for a career?

If I had the chance, I'd totally rock the merman life! Imagine exploring the mysterious depths of the ocean, chilling with sharks, dolphins, and those epic turtles. It's like having a VIP pass to the coolest underwater party!

And, on a more serious note….

In all honesty, I'm kinda living my dream right now - I get to do all things agent alongside my acting. I really am getting the best of both worlds so for now, I wouldn't change a thing! 

If you had a choice between two superpowers, being invisible or flying, which would you choose, and why?

Invisibility: if I had the power of invisibility, I would totally use it to teleport myself to any corner of the world and basically go travelling. And the cherry on top? I'd be able to work from anywhere with me, my laptop and phone! best of all worlds! 

You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant?

If I found myself in a real pickle with no way out, I'd embrace the situation and adopt it as my own in the backyard. I'd pamper it like a prized possession and strike a clever bargain with it, allowing me to ride it around town because, let's face it, London travel costs an arm and a leg!"


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